Native Americans

Today you are going to do an A-Z webquest about the native Americans.

A is for Aim

-What do the letters AIM stand for?
-Why was it founded ?
-Because of the dark violence of

B is for Buffalo.

-What did the native americans use the Buffalo for?


D is for Doctor:

What is the basis of native American medicine?


E is for Europeans:

Who was this first European to see the native Americans and discover America?


F is for flight:

What is the name of this sacred animal?

H is for Homes.

Complete the chard


i is for Indian legends:

Read the pieces of the legend and put it in the correct order.


a. When the woman walked into his village, he had already completed his task.
She then told the people of the village that she came from Heaven and was here on earth to teach them how to live and what their future would be.

b. When she was finished she turned into a white buffalo calf, then turned the colour black, then red,
then last she turned yellow, representing the colours of the four directions. Then she disappeared.

c. This Lakota myth tells of two men who were on a hunting trip when they noticed a beautiful young woman walking towards them.
She was dressed in white buckskin and carried a bundle on her back.

d. One of the men had bad thought about her, but the moment he approached her, he was suddenly surrounded by a white mist.
When the mist dispersed, nothing of the man remained but a skeleton.

e. She gave the people maize, taught them the use of the pipe, and taught them the seven sacred ceremonies.
Furthermore, she gave them colours for the four winds or directions.

f. The woman turned to the other man and she told him to go home and prepare a big lodge for her.
The man ran home and did exactly what she had told him to do.

J is for John Dunbar

John Dunbar is the charactor in which movie?

What is this movie about?

L is for location

Have a look at the map

Explain 2 of the words written on the map.

N is for native american language

What are native american words we still use? Name 5


O is for Ornament

What is this native American ornament you see?


P is for plains

What does this mean?

Q is for queen

Who is this native American queen?

S is for sacred site

This was built on sacred native american ground.

What is this?

T is for Totem poles

What is a totem pole?

U is for the united states of america.

Draw a picture of the flag

V is for vote.

When did native americans get the right to vote?

W is for Well done…… because X-Y-Z is for free !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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