Lesson 4: Places
There are three tasks in this lesson. Write down the answers in your notebook in English.
Task 1a:
Read the words out loud.
Which places are shown in the pictures?

Task 1b:
Follow up: Complete the sentence by using words in the box
- There’s a ……………………………………… near my home but I almost never take public transport. I usually get around town by bicycle.
- I would rather watch a DVD at home than go to a ……………………………………… .
- Working at a ……………………………………… is a common part-time job for students. I hate the smell of petrol so I would never do that job.
- My parents go to ……………………………………… on Sunday mornings but I only go on important days like Christmas and Easter.
- There are some public ………………………… in my local park. You can play there for free.
- I seldom see a doctor when I get sick. I prefer to go to the ………………………………………and buy some medicine.
- There’s a small ……………………………………… in my town. It holds about 5,000 people.

Task 2:
- Which landmarks are shown in the pictures?
- What do you know about them?
- Which landmarks would you like to visit?
Think of a landmark in your country. Give a description on a piece of paper. Some students will have to talk about their landmark in front of the class without giving the name of the landmark. The rest of the class has to guess which landmark is described!
Task 3:
Work in pairs.
Find “landmarks of the world".
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